Hermosa Montessori

Middle School students have prepared a “pop up” book store during the days around parent-teacher conferences. Plan to stop into the middle school building to find great deals on books, puzzles, and games.


Students from all other communities will have an opportunity to visit the Middle School during the day and get a “sneak peek” at the sale Wednesday, October 2nd and Thursday, October 3rd. Students will be able to purchase books or reserve one book for parents to purchase at a later time.  SEND MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENTS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY (10/2 & 10/3) IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE BOOKS!


The book store will also be open for business before school

7:45-8:30 A.M and after school from 2:45-4:00 P.M. on

Thursday, October 3rd – Friday, October 18th.


This student-run sale offers opportunities for leadership and financial literacy. The funds students raise during this sale will help them fund an end of the school year trip. 

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