Hermosa Montessori

Hermosa Montessori School

Admissions and Enrollment

Hermosa Montessori Charter School
Kindergarten Open Enrollment

2024-2025 Academic Year

Open Enrollment for Hermosa’s public charter school program begins with kindergarten age students. A student must be five on or before September 1, 2024 to be eligible. Upon enrollment, a student may remain continuously enrolled through Grade 8. Arizona’s statute indicates that”…the charter school shall select pupils through an equitable selection process such as a lottery…” Hermosa’s kindergarten enrollment shall be by lottery. Lottery application forms will be available for a parent, guardian, or other adult designee in Hermosa’s front office from Wednesday January 3, through Friday January 5, 2023 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.  A photo ID will be required. Notification of enrollment or waitlist results will be emailed. Siblings of students enrolled in the Charter program, or children of staff members  receive preference and need not participate in the lottery. Contact Colleene@hermosaschool.org for questions.


To seek enrollment in Hermosa’s public charter school program for a student in grades 1-8, please fill out the

Wait list form

Forms need to be sent to Colleene@hermosaschool.org.

Hermosa Montessori Preschool Enrollment

2024-2025 Academic Year

Open enrollment for Hermosa’s preschool program will begin on Tuesday, January 16, 2023

Siblings of students enrolled in either the Charter program or the preschool program, or children of staff members, receive preference and need not participate in open enrollment. Enrollment Contracts will be available by contacting the office beginning Tuesday, January 16. Upon return of the enrollment form, and the $125.00 application fee, students will be enrolled,  space permitting. Check back on this page for updates. Any questions can be referred to Colleene@hermosaschool.org

2023 "A" Grade

Hermosa received the AZ Department of Education's "A" grade 2023, achieving the highest total point score of any Pima County K-8 school.

Excelling school

One of three charter schools in the Tucson area to be labeled ''excelling'' by the state of Arizona, the highest rank the state awards to public schools.

Top 1% principal

State Superintendent of Public Instruction granted the "Circle of Honor" award to only 18 principals in Arizona, including Hermosa's.